Takeaways Smart Leaders are getting from Pandemic Life

Ok- so we’re looking down the barrel of two years living a COVID life. I know that it took me less than two years to add MBA to my post nominals so I’m pretty confident that leaders worth emulating have picked up a few lessons from spending 20+ months in this nutty world we find ourselves in.

These are the ones I am hearing most often from execs I work with.

1. Embrace change as a permanent member of the organisational family.

Change is inevitable these days. Not just unavoidable, but essential for business sustainability. Find signature ways to recognise change, reward it and foster it’s inclusion as a key part of your organisational DNA and ongoing strategic focus. It deserves a place at the company family dining table!

2. Spread Care like Air

Your team members, suppliers, customers and business partners are all human. They have their own problems, frailties and pressures. Rockstar leadership in these rocky times is all about genuine care and finding unique ways to show all your stakeholders your commitment to them.

3. Put your people first

In these times, where the crisis we face has humans in it’s sights – it’s a great reminder that your teams are the most valuable asset you have to help you run your business. Reward great behaviour, be gentle about failings and fight to keep your people gainfully and productively employed (or display as much empathy as possible if that can’t happen) so they will bring their best to the table everyday too.

4. Keep talking – and then talk some more!

Engagement and communication are the golden tickets to overcoming pitfalls in crazy times and building a more robust business for the future. Keep your people in the loop as much as possible. It takes energy and resource to do this, which can sometimes feel wasteful when there is so much to do. But when things are moving as fast as they do these days, quick decisions are needed. If you want those decisions to land where they need to, then EVERYONE needs to be kept informed. I promise the investment will pay you back in spades.

5. Focus on Harmony (Ta-la-la-la-la!)

Now more than ever, your organisation needs a team who are singing from the same hymn book! If your team dynamics are fractured, then results will suffer. Focussing on how teams and stakeholders remain connected, and supporting and respecting each other needs to be a top priority everyday. Bad ju-ju within teams is like cancer. It makes individuals and organisations sick. It spreads like wildfire, destroying great work and relationships.

6. Make check ins meaningful

Make and commit to a structured check in process with all your stakeholders – including suppliers and customers. Whether this is a sit down one-on-one, a regular phone chat or a thoughtful text offering assistance or support – make it a priority – and make it genuine. It's hard work to translate concern and connection into action, but the rewards are there. Does a team member need more workday flexibility; a supplier a change in terms or a customer want to share a concern with you? In this new world, personal and genuine connection can be one of our most productive leadership priorities.

7. Look for excuses to party

Take on a side hustle as a party animal (or delegate it to someone for whom this stuff comes naturally). Showing gratitude is important. Appreciate the little things that make a difference and make a fuss of the more important things. Positive energy is more valuable than Argyle Pink Diamonds right now (although I am happy to accept one should the offer be on the table). Hold a zoom party, send a care package to a team member who hit a target, surprise someone for their birthday with a cake to their door or buy a travel voucher for a busy parent juggling work and home schooling. Celebrations speak louder than words sometimes.

COVID has changed us all, and for many the impacts have been harsh and horrid. But in the true spirit of being a professional Pollyanna, I see ways we can make life better now. It’s important to carry the lessons and positive changes around genuine and kinder leadership to build a strong foundation for future success.