We don't need a Consultant - do we?

Here are six rockstar reasons to hire a consultant who can help you better capitalise on opportunities. Help you slay the tricky problem dragons, or add to your strategic organisational muscle during busy times.

1. Consultants bring depth of knowledge

A good consultancy is a home for individuals who are passionate about specific topics. For example, Molto Bene has had a long and productive love affair with marketing and branding strategy, organisational behaviour management, and general strategy design and execution. Knowledgable consultants know the ins and outs of a particular discipline and become subject matter experts. Collaborating with them means you can stick to doing what your business is famous for and let the consultant dive straight in and get the job done.

2. Consultants have seen it all before

Consultants in a chosen field have spent a lot of time in the trenches developing experience in their chosen field. Problems and opportunities new to your organisation have been navigated previously by your consultant. If they haven’t climbed this particular mountain before, they'll have the inside track on how to access the right knowledge, people or resources to meet the challenge head on and achieve a great result. Don’t forget – a successful outcome for your business is a brilliant business enhancing case study for your consultant too.

3. Consultants are Ninjas at Project Planning

There’s a good chance that this is not your consultant’s first rodeo. They are likely to already be familiar with the required steps, legal implications, timeframes, possible roadblocks and sensible short cuts that exist on your project journey. Take advantage of the fact that your consultant is likely to be an expert in planning projects like yours. Given they have chosen a portfolio life, it’s a safe bet to assume they are adept at juggling multiple priorities.

4. Consultants are Sharers (not oversharers – but definitely sharers)

By their very nature most consultants (and definitely the good ones) thrive on sharing information and are great at getting the best out of organisations they work with. They are also focussed on making themselves obsolete by gentle yet effective knowledge transfer. This makes organisations armed and dangerous to face situations next time around. They're teachers, facilitators, coaches, mentors, disciplinarians and cheer squads all rolled into one!

5. Consultants can become valued members of your organisational family.

Developing a relationship with a consultant doesn’t have to be a one-project stand! A trusted consulting partner works to make themselves redundant. Yet once they become familiar with the DNA of your organisation, they can help you achieve continued business growth and sustainability via other projects. A long-term love affair you might say!

6. Consultants offer a fresh perspective

Consultants don’t live 24/7 in your world, so they can see things you might be so used to that you don’t see as the problem/priority/potential/power it is. The portfolio nature of their work also gives them a rich view of what’s happening “out there”. This allows them to view your organisation through a fresher frame or lens than those swimming in your organisational soup every day.

The concept of a consultant might seem “too expensive” or an “over the top investment". Successful firms know engaging a consultant is an investment in great project outcomes. They can mean the difference between getting the job done and getting it done the best way possible.

Chat with us today and see how we can help. Our reputation is our greatest organisational asset so if we can't be valuable to your business, we'll let you know. Plus we'll point you in the direction of an alternative way forward that’s closer matched to the outcomes you want to achieve.